Resonance Through Storytelling
Stories have the power to transmit vibrational information that can trigger, amplify and illuminate each of our own inner truths. This podcast is a channeled transmission of my personal life stories on my spiritual path to educate, inspire and support you to question, listen and go deeper into your own inner truth.
Each episode discusses my experience and relationship to a certain theme on vibrational reality and how we co-create in fields of resonance. I share stories on how I see the world through my lens and what is has felt like being a multi-dimensional being having a human experience. I find that these transmissions are timely to what the collective is experiencing, and I would love to have you join in this field of resonance as a listener. :)
For the last 15+ years, I have been in a deep inner journey to find my own systemic balance, one that has led me to study and explore countless healing psychologies, methods and modalities, including but not limited to Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture and herbalism), 5 Element Theory, craniosacral biodynamics, Family Constellation Therapy, Zen Buddhist meditation, Kriya Yoga, Gene Keys, Biofield Tuning, nutrition, Bach Flower Essences, essential oils, LifeWave patches, somatic and breathwork practices, homeopathy, osteopathy, astrology and energetic properties of crystals.
As a lifelong student of the relationship between the physical and nonphysical, the unraveling and resolution of ancestral trauma, and the vibrational nature of healing that happens on all levels of our existence, I am excited to share my unique perspective with you. It is my hope that you may resonate with and glean insight through your own inner knowing by listening to my stories.
I welcome your comments, support and sharing of your stories and experiences as well as your feedback if this content has made an impression on you. As consciousness is infinitely expanding, so too is my experience and perception of what is real and true for me. We share and grow together.
I am grateful for you tuning in. :)
To learn more about me and the private and group sessions that I offer, please visit http://MelanieAdrianna.com.
Melanie Adrianna
Resonance Through Storytelling
Space-Time Travel Through the Rainbow Dragon Bridge
What if the heart could guide us through the cosmos, revealing secrets of both our earthly and cosmic memories? Join me on an enlightening journey where we explore the landscapes of consciousness and cosmic travel, unraveling the intricate dance between timelines and dimensions. We promise you’ll learn the importance of your central channel connection, attuning to memories that span the stars and the Earth. Find out why the heart is the ultimate passageway to understanding our cosmic and earthly past-life lineages.
This episode is your invitation to traverse the bridges between our physical and multidimensional selves, setting the stage for season two where we'll converse with starseeds, healers and visionaries about their journeys of self-discovery. Hear about my personal stories that highlight the vital role of physical embodiment in integrating cosmic experiences. Whether you're a seasoned cosmic traveler or just beginning your multidimensional exploration, prepare to be inspired by tales of resonance and connection, unearthing the profound ties that bind our earthly journeys to the vast cosmos.
Thank you for tuning in to this journey into the cosmos with the Dragons. :)
If you would like to travel with me into the memories of your heart through the Rainbow Dragon Bridge, please visit https://rainbowdragonbridge.com/.
To learn more about me, please visit http://MelanieAdrianna.com or contact me at soundcreatrix@gmail.com.
Melanie Adrianna
Music credit:
Thank you to AllWorldMusic and ViraMiller from Pixabay for the background songs in this episode called "Cosmic Electronic Dreamy Synth," "Cosmic Serenade" and "Space Odyssey 2," respectively.
I'm creating an energy field for storytelling. I'm creating an energy field for storytelling, taking a deep breath in, I'm lining my central channel, calibrating to the four directions. I'm inviting in the audience who is here to participate in resonance today, here to participate in resonance today. I'm asking that, through my central channel, source field connection that I bring through the words, the stories, the wisdom and the guidance to support each and every one of us in moving forward with greater clarity and conscious awareness. I'm watching everyone come into the room, into this field. I see people and beings from all over the cosmos. What would you like to talk about today? I see someone raising their hand on the right side, in the back Step forward. I see a woman in front of me and she's laying a map down on the table, pointing really far out to a star. She wants to know how to get there. Okay, alright, I get it. That took me a second. All of you have a map, all of you, encoded in your own energy fields, in your memories, in your hearts. You have a map to your cosmic lineage, to your experiences beyond. Oh, wow, I'm kind of surprised I'm talking about this. I suppose this is kind of becoming my expertise as one who travels between dimensions and time. I wanted to start by talking a little bit about what that experience is like for me and how that kind of came to be.
Speaker 1:In the last several years I've had a number of consciousness awakening experiences, those in which I have, I would say, kind of gone off the deep end of feeling way too much. And there are certain things that can trigger the awakening of consciousness. They can happen predictably and unpredictably, but it's like you'll be drawn to doing certain things, or sitting in meditation, or being somewhere at a certain time or in a place, and it's like everything is lined up already beyond time and space. Space, these events, these things that are probabilities that you can choose to open into on your path, can give you the opportunity of exploring a completely new avenue of the vastness of who you are and your experience as a multi-dimensional being. When I look at time, I see it as a line of energy moving through the alignment of the central channel energetically, and when there is a fracture or a split in time in consciousness, in the awareness of time, it's like as if parts of your consciousness are elsewhere, while at the same time you're here in this time and space and I can tell you that in my own consciousness awakening as I'm still awakening and still learning and still constantly moving through new experiences I had the experience of fracturing between so many different timelines and dimensions in a very short period of time that I became very disoriented.
Speaker 1:I had memories of different off-planet experiences in different forms, some of which were loving and blissful and some of which I would rather not remember and some of which were not even mine. As a sensitive and intuitive person, when I opened up, I opened up to everything and it actually scared me, as I've been kind of winding back in and honing in on being physical and being a human, honing in on what does time look like? Just in one timeline, I learned through my experience that you don't have to go outside of your body into other dimensions to remember who you are. It's all possible through the physical body. The integration of self, the coming into wholeness and the bridging of polarity, of opposites, is much easier and gentler to do from the physical standpoint, although some of you may disagree with me, and I totally understand why. I understand you, because coming into the physical human body also requires confronting memories and information that's held or stored in the cells of the body. It's almost like are you taking a top-down or a bottom-up approach to your own embodiment, or coming into the remembrance of your wholeness, as a being of light, as a star?
Speaker 1:Throughout my experience of diving into the cosmos and exploring, I discovered that I could use maps and ironically, my initials are map M-A-P. When someone is ready to travel into their remembrance, there are two key factors. One is that this actually occurs through the heart. The memory is already there, it's within you, it's inside of you the cosmic travel. It doesn't require psychedelics or drugs or being in an altered state of mind. It's literally slowing down and moving into your heart, breathing into that space. That's the gateway, that's the access point to all of your memories cosmically and I can see, each of you has a very beautiful, intricate map Many, many places that I have not been.
Speaker 1:What is the experience like? To travel cosmically through other dimensions? Like to travel cosmically through other dimensions, I have my own experience which, because of my perceptions, are more visually oriented and also sensory, in that it's like I can feel waves of movement around me. It's like feeling sound or feeling plasma, and then different spatial awarenesses of where things are and how they're shaped and how they move in relationship to each other come to my awareness, and I've seen other people have a very different way of perceiving, and so that is special, that experience that's unique to you and your remembrance. Some people can see as well, or they have a very clear sense of who's around them and who's supporting them, who's with them, whether they're connecting with their soul families, their cosmic or galactic families, their guidance field, or maybe aspects of themselves that they would like to connect with or retrieve here on the earth, or through their connection with this planet. All of this is accessible through the heart space.
Speaker 1:I don't know if it's like this for other people, but in my experience of traveling throughout the cosmos, it's almost like I have to put on a suit, like a space suit or some kind of technology to help me travel, because I noticed that in these other places there are different laws of gravity and densities and the cells of the body actually do become affected physically. So it's like you have to put on some kind of space travel suit. I know this sounds a little bizarre, but it's actually true that you can imagine and you can intend to put on a space travel suit, and it is it becomes. So I'm playing around with these traveling technologies so that my body here can remain healthy and intact and grounded and connected through my electromagnetic field and my polarity to the earth and to the directions here.
Speaker 1:It's funny I went to a store earlier this week and I found a sundial with a compass and it was just calling to me and I felt my second energy center just light up and I was like what is this about? I'm like, am I supposed to buy this? I was like, no, just listen, and I can see where it's pointing me to. Now. Oh wow, I didn't see this coming at all Like I did and I didn't. All right, yes, yes, I'm surrounded by dragons. I've always had a connection and an affinity to the dragons and they are part of this experience, they are part of my lineage, of why this is possible.
Speaker 1:So, as a guide and facilitator of this navigation through the cosmos, I open up a rainbow bridge and when you're ready, if you choose, you can enter it. And the map is already there, it exists in your heart and I can literally see it sprawled out like a cosmic map in front of me, out in the table. So your field guides us and your intention and focus on your heart space is what leads you to these memories, and the things that people discover are packets of information and frequencies, gifts, memories of home, family that can be varied depending on your intention. They're like missing pieces of information that you've been looking for here in the physical, but you just didn't know where to look. And you get to bring them back here with you and then integrate them into your life.
Speaker 1:If you want to take a ride with me into your exploration of your heart's memories on this earth plane and beyond, you can contact me or visit my website. I can see everyone here is ready. I think I'm ready too. Thank you for joining me in this very cosmic episode Tune in to season two, where I will be interviewing starseeds, healers and visionaries like you about their stories and our resonant connection through the experiences that make us who we are. Until next time, thank you.